20+ Celebrities Who Insured Their Body Parts for Millions
This article appeared in peoplish.com and has been published here with permission.
Insuring body parts is not as outrageous as some people make it out to be. Whether it's singing voices, smiles, or quads, all of it can and is covered. Many celebrities have taken out insurance to protect what they value most. In this article, we look at some of these celebrities who hold in high regard what they love the most about their bodies. Some of them might be ridiculous, but the owners of these body parts thought it was worth it.

Julia Roberts
For this celebrity, the moneymaker is her smile, which she's insured for $30 million . Being an A-list actress, she can afford the luxury. In 2000, the film Erin Brockovich earned her $20 million!

She also made $3 million on Mother's Day in 2006; all she had to do was a four-day shoot. With her bringing in all that money, it's fair to say that she deserves to spend that much on her expensive smile, especially considering it's the thing that earned her the money!