40+ Celebrities With the Most Baby Mamas & Daddies Exposed

This article appeared in sneakertoast.com and has been published here with permission.

There are many different ways to make a family and none of them are “right” or “wrong,” it simply depends on each individual. While old Hollywood movies would have us believe that we need to marry Mr. or Mrs. Right, have children with them, and live happily ever after, that’s not always how it works. Sometimes, it takes a few co-parents and a whole lot of kids to make a family complete.

Owen Wilson - Three Baby Mamas

It's pretty ironic that Owen Wilson routinely plays a good father in movies because, while he's a seemingly excellent father to his two sons, he has a daughter whom he refuses to meet. Apparently, Owen wasn't very happy when he got a third woman pregnant, so he refused to partake in fatherhood for the child.

That being said, he does pay monthly child support, since confirming that's his daughter through a paternity test. Unfortunately, Owen isn't nearly as wholesome as the characters he plays on screen.

Eddie Murphy - Five Baby Mamas

Eddie Murphy has many accomplishments under his belt - he has numerous awards, countless hit performances, and he's a father to a whopping 10 children!

Five of Eddie's children were mothered by Nicole Mitchell, whom he was married to for 13 years, while four different women co-parent his other children. Add up all the co-parents, the kids, and Eddie himself - the Murphy clan is celebrating at least one birthday a month!

Kate Winslet - Three Baby Daddies

Kate Winslet has three children, from three different men, all before turning 40 - which many Karens around the world have taken as a personal offense. Despite the fact that Kate was married to each partner when deciding to have a child with them, the world still judges the actress for having children with various men and expresses "concern" over the kids' wellbeing.

Ah yes, growing up surrounded by love from four parental figures, a successful female role model, and tons of money. Those poor children...

Caitlyn Jenner - Three Baby Mamas

While Caitlyn Jenner is partly responsible for creating one of the world's most famous families, she does have children who are not in the limelight. Caitlyn has six biological kids, four stepchildren, 20 grandchildren (and counting), and three baby mamas!

Unfortunately, Caitlyn's kids seem to have mixed experiences with their mother. While Caitlyn is often seen with her reality show kids, her children who aren't famous claim that they rarely ever see her.