We Asked A.I. What it Thinks Each State's Miss USA Should Look Like, and the Results Are Both Mean and Hilarious
This article appeared in peoplish.com and has been published here with permission.
Once a year, folks from all over the country tune in to watch the Miss USA Pageant, a fun and unique glimpse into the different lifestyles across the states. We decided to have some fun and asked A.I. to imagine what each state's outfit should look like, and the results are both hilarious and spot-on. We had a blast with this, and we hope you will too. Check out what A.I. came up with!
Meet Miss California - she's shimmering in a dazzling, emerald-green gown that sparkles brighter than the Pacific Ocean at sunset. Her elaborate headpiece looks like a Hollywood special effect, featuring what appears to be the entire Los Angeles skyline in crystal form.
With a radiant smile and a poise that screams "red carpet ready," she's the ultimate embodiment of glitz, glam, and a bit of Hollywood magic. It's as if she's ready to win an Oscar right after the pageant!